SpeedEats Special Guest
Riki Rachtman
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THE GRIDDLE CAFE - by Riki Rachtman

Riki Rachtman's Breakfast choice in Hollywood is The Griddle Cafe  located on 7916 Sunset Blvd on the corner of Fairfax.

I live 1 mile from this place so its easy for me to get to but if your an out of town racefan and want to experience Hollywood this is a place to see. FONTANA is not LOS ANGELES... The Griddle Cafe located  on the beginning of the World Famous Sunset Strip. If you want proof that Hollywood is filled with wanna-be actors and writers, come by the Griddle. This is where they eat while most of America is working "Real jobs."  Usually there is a wait for a table. On weekends the wait can be an hour .

There are a dozen tables outside right on Sunset so you can enjoy your meal while inhaling the exhaust from the movers and shakers as they whiz by in their Aston Martins. Be careful crossing the streets because even though it is illegal in California to talk on the cell phone, drivers pay no attention to the law, or for that matter, pedestrians.  Inside it's loud. There are tables and a counter. The service is usually good ,friendly and I would bet every waiter or waitress has a SAG card. The truth is the Griddle Cafe is one of those hipster places that I usually stay away from. Tommy Lee said it best " There's always a line to get in. And even though it's not my thing, it's the kind of place where anyone could come walking in -- like, "Look, no way, dude, it's Jay-Z!"

If it was all about dining with the "In Crowd"  I would never have been. I think  of myself as more of the "Outcrowd"
So why do I go to the Griddle Cafe ? One of the most glorious words on this planet.. Pancakes !!!!!!!!

My wife is a personal trainer and I am currently training for a boxing match in Las Vegas April 3rd. Those are 2 reasons I wont be at the Griddle anytime soon.
The portions are massive. I've seen the French Toast , Waffles and Omelets and they are more than generous, but I'm not going to waste my time telling you about something I know nothing about. I want to praise all that is holy for giving us the Griddle Cafe Pancakes.

They are bad for you. Yes very bad.  At least when your eating one of these treasures you are so euphoric you can push aside the calories, sugar and fat grams for just a moment.

When you are ordering pancakes tell them you only want one. Usually a serving is 3. They are huge and thick. Now I know why cake is used in the word Pancake. I suggest having everyone at your table order a different pancake then you can share.

The pancakes have names like "A Time to Love", "Hear me Roar" and  "Saturday Morning Fever"- Baileys and Kahlua swirled into a batter topped with real whipped cream and powdered sugar. I have tried the "Mounds of Pleasure"  which is filled with chocolate and coconut. I tried it and found it a little to sweet besides the sugar rush had me running around like Kenny Wallace after an energy drink.. They even have crushed oreo pancakes !!!! My favorite is "The Golden Ticket" Banana pancakes filled with caramel,walnuts and streusel then topped with real whipped cream and pieces of caramel and streusel.......Once again 1 is enough.
The Griddle Cafe does serve lunch but why??? If Im at he Griddle, Im eating pancakes.

They close at 4:00 pm
On Sunset Strip
The Griddle Cafe... yeah, Pancake Heaven.