Richmond International Raceway
MD's Picks
All material including graphics, stories and photos are property of MatthewDillner Inc. and are subject to all copyright laws © 2010. All rights reserved.
(featured recent food tweets)

jackiethejuice   bitchin' hot dog joint in VA. santa fe dog: homemade salsa, cheese, jalapeños, guacamole #PBR #chicagogirlapproved
Regan_Smith_ Stopped into dreamland BBQ in Birmingham, cool place, hope the food is as good as the atmosphere!  - Banana pudding is amazing, thanks for all the suggestions

JDBowsher    @AshleyAllgaier I have a sweet tea change stash in my car

Spinnawitz    Lots accomplished today.. On to #datenight now.. Headed to the #PenguinDriveIn for dinner.. Only the classiest for my lady.. #PBR

RickerJason    Shoals in Mooresville the thumbs up is for @MatthewDillner )

Speedeats foodie Jason "Eagle" Allison made us jealous by sending this pic from his phone after the races at Talladega. IT's an order of ribs from Dreamland BBQ in Birmingham, AL

r   a   c   e       e   a   t       r   e   p   e   a   t
Check out a few pics for Richmond. Also be sure to check out Leslie Brotherton's picks by clicking here

Dot's Back Inn
This place should be on the top of your list for Richmond. It is a favorite of many in the NASCAR garage. I know it is also a hot-spot for several people I work with at ESPN.

A true neighborhood hot-spot serving up a heap-load of classic diner dishes. GREAT stuff.

Dot's Back Inn was also featured on Triple-D. If you don't know what Triple-D stands for, get a TV! Guy Fieri is the man.
4030 MacArthur Avenue
Richmond, VA 23227-4051
(804) 266-3167
visit their site   click here
Going to a racetrack? Want to know where to eat? is your source to satisfy that appetite.  Racing and food enthusiast Matthew Dillner takes you behind the scenes of his race weekends and shows you to the hot-spots.

Dillner is a veteran in the racing media industry and is known by many in the garage for finding some of the most interesting and yummy places to eat while on the road covering NASCAR races and Short Tracks across the country.

Get Involved...
Want to get involved with SpeedEats, suggest food-spots, or advertise?  click here to contact us

This week: Richmond Int'l Raceway (VA)
Bowman Gray Stadium (NC)
the fat
Chime in on our Facebook page.   click here
Richmond, Madhouse and More!
While the NASCAR world and Speedeats was in Richmond, MD was checkin' out Chicken-Fried and hitting one of NASCAR's original tracks. Along the way some food too!   click here
Featured VIdeo - Richmond

Eagle Eats B-Fast at River City Diner's loveable foodie "Eagle" (aka Jason Allison from NASCAR Media Group) snuck off to River City Diner for breakfast before heading to the track. He gives a look at some downright homestyle diner pancakes.    click here
Featured Guest
A Richmond Native Shows Us Her Eats
Leslie Brotherton is a good friend of MD's and a fan of the site. She was born and raised in Richmond, Virginia. Brotherton shares her favorite spots in Richmond as well as a personal link to a place that serves their own brand of spiritual pancakes.

click here
Dunn's Drive In Barbecue
It's been around since 1935. Right around the block from the track.  Not the place you might see and say "oh yeah, I want to go there," but trust me when I say it is yummy.  Good barbecue. The onion rings are the bomb!

It's takout only so bring it back to your room. If you can make it back before tearing into it! 
3716 Mechanicsville Pike
Richmond, VA 23223
(804) 329-4676

River City Diner
You want a good 50's Diner? Well, this one does the trick for sure.

It's open 24/7 so that means you can hit it before or after a long day at the track.  Bring coins for the jukebox and be ready to get full!
1712 East Main Street
Richmond, VA 23223
(804) 644-9418
visit their site  click here

In Historic Shockoe Slip, this brewhouse / restaurant was the first of it's kind in Richmond. I've been there a few times because it's right down the block from where I usually stay.

You can't go wrong with a burger, Shepard's Pie or Fish n' Chips to accompany a nice ice-cold brew.
1214 East Cary Street
Richmond, VA 23219-4116
(804) 644-3018

Ronnie's Ribs Wings & Other Things
Bill Baker CAN'T be wrong. The editor wrote in and strongly suggests that Ronnie's is added to the MD's Picks list for Richmond. I've never been to Ronnie's but have heard a bunch about it. So, in honor of my pal Bill, i'm adding it to the list.

2512 Main Street, Richmond, VA
Wednesday thru Saturday
11:30AM – 6:30PM
visit their site  click here
SpeedEats - Short Track Spotlight
SoBo's Famous Bologna Burger

NASCAR driver Elliott Sadler has put this South Boston Speedway favorite on the map. Much like the Martinsville Hot-Dog, the Bologna Burger has become a part of South Boston culture.  
click here

MD talks about on "Southern Race Week". Listen in live at 7pm on Wednesday night on

It was rained-out last weekend so take-two will be this weekend. If you've seen the History Channel show "Madhouse," go check it out in person. Winston-Salem, North Carolina's Bowman Gray Stadium opens its 62nd year of NASCAR racing this weekend. MD plans on competing there this year. It's one of the most unusual and historic tracks in the country.
click here

Our great friends at Racing Electronics have come on board to help If you are a competitor or a media member, they have the best product and best customer service in the business. For fans, they offer so much to enhance your race experience!
check em' out

Check out where we've hit on the road in 2010!

click here for the 2010 schedule

Ok, our Facebook page is growing. We are over the 500-fan mark. Help it expand more! We are thinking up a pretty cool prize for whoever our 1000th fan is on Facebook.

We are pumped for the May Charlotte race-weeks. Are you? Wait until you see what we have planned on for that swing!

A great friend of mine, Lonnie Clouse and his family are moving to Mexico to help care for orphans. Lonnie has been a part of Motor Racing Outreach for a while now and a great friend to racing as well. Go check out his mission and offer up some support, prayer or encouragement!
click here