All material including graphics, stories and photos are property of MatthewDillner Inc. and are subject to all copyright laws © 2010. All rights reserved.
Speedeats   Rise n' Shine! Top Speedeats Breakfast joints near Charlotte Motor Speedway: Concord Family Restaurant, Bagel Bin (huntersvillle), Original Pancake House (Charlotte), Parkway House Family restaurant (Concord).

Jenny_Wyatt    You need to head on down to the beach and check out Bethany Blues when you're in Delaware

chops35    Hello SpeedEats..thanks for all the great ideas of where to eat while traveling from state to state.

KevinHarvick    Time for ice cream at doss'

LAHughes31    Poppa's is one of my favorite places in town! Steve is the best!

MartySmithESPN    Wawa is the 48 team of convenience stores. Just on another level...

Our good friend, motorsports journalist Monte Dutton performs live at Celebrity's Hot Dogs in Concord, NC during Charlotte Race Week.  The two all-the-way dogs were waiting for Monte when he was done playing.
r   a   c   e       e   a   t       r   e   p   e   a   t
This week: Charlotte Motor Speedway (NC)
Next Week: Nashville Superspeedway (TN)
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I'm sick and tired of these wimpy commercial sandwiches and subs that people try to pass off on me. Really? You call that a sandwich. I need to vent...   click here
Featured Video: Charlotte
Rosario's Pizza = Pizza Heaven
Rosario's Pizza is the favorite pizza place of the Dillner family. The privately owned Concord pizzaria and restaurant is always packed with race people. MD takes us behind the scenes at Rosarios...making pizza and eating with a few special guests.
click here
Darlington Piggly Wiggly Cookout!

Now folks, this is random. Driving through the sleepy southern town of Darlington, South Carolina on the day of the Southern 500, we happened upon this local Piggly WIggly grocery store. The rest is Random Yumminess history!
click here

Poppa's Hot Dogs
Want a real Chicago Dog? Want a real Italian Beef Sandwhich that is dripping wet?  Want a good New York Kraut Dog? If you say yes, you need to hop up to Mooresville and check out Poppa's. After discovering Poppa's from, ESPN's Jackie Decker, who is from Chicago, says "Poppa's is Chicago girl tested and Chicago girl approved."

We featured Poppa's with a special video
click here to view the video

510 River Highway
Mooresville, NC 28117-6866
(704) 664-7677

Glenn's Barbecue
Former Pro Cup Series driver turned Modified driver / spotter for RCR and more... our pal Mike Herman Jr. showed us this local Kannapolis find.  A native of K-town, Herm tells us it's the only place around that uses wood instead of gas to fire up their smoker to cook the pork.

We've tried it and we love Glen's.

804 Central Drive
Kannapolis, NC 28083-3700
(704) 938-3716

Price's Chicken Coop
This is a place only locals know. It's right on the outskirts of Uptown Charlotte. Prices is a little brick building with not much signage out front. It's a take-out only place that specializes in Fried Chicken. Inside, little old-ladies with hairnets fry up your chicken, put it in a box with tater-tots and send you on your way. A-Mazing local find.

1614 Camden Road
Charlotte, NC 28203-4756
(704) 333-9866
visit their site   click here

Short Track crew chief Jason Ricker (who we like to call "Ricka" because he's a New Englander) loves Shoals. He swears that it has some of the best seafood around. We believe him!

1098 Brawley School Road
Mooresville, NC 28117-8937
(704) 660-1211

SpeedEats - Short Track Spotlight
SoBo's Famous Bologna Burger

NASCAR driver Elliott Sadler has put this South Boston Speedway favorite on the map. Much like the Martinsville Hot-Dog, the Bologna Burger has become a part of South Boston culture.  
click here

Check us out on Twitter!
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We decided to do seperate food picks for All Star Week and 600 week in Charlotte. Check out our complete list from both weeks.
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The NASCAR Hall of Fame is open in Charlotte, NC. It's a great thing for the sport and for the Charlotte area. MD was at the opening ceremonies & inductions... it is a must and well worth admission!
click here for more

It's become a Charlotte raceweek tradition. This year's concert lineup features Luke Bryan, Everclear, Pat Benetar, Josh Turner and more!
click here

Former NASCAR drivers Robert Pressley and Steve Grissom have teamed up to open a second location to their Celebrity's Hot Dogs restaurant.  Pressley owns the orignal location in Asheville, NC. Grissom's Concord, NC location has good dogs and plenty of cool racing stuff on the walls.

There are some great ticket specials avaiable if you don't have your ticket yet. Check it out on their site!
click here

Let us know where you've eaten, maybe what you ordered and if you liked it or not. We're always open to hearing from the foodies out there!
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Check out where we've hit on the road in 2010!
click here for the 2010 schedule

A great friend of mine, Lonnie Clouse and his family are moving to Mexico to help care for orphans. Lonnie has been a part of Motor Racing Outreach for a while now and a great friend to racing as well. Go check out his mission and offer up some support, prayer or encouragement!
click here

Red Rocks Cafe in Birkdale Village.
THE COMPLETE LIST Including last week's Charlotte Picks click here

Charlotte Motor Speedway (NC)
Coke 600 Weekened
MD's Picks
Red Rocks
One of the most popular restaurants in Huntersville, NC. Red Rocks is located in the center of popular Birkdale Village.

Red Rocks is a favorite for many in racing, including Robbie Loomis, Michael Waltrip. Several drivers and racing personalities have dishes named after them.  My pal Marty Smith (ESPN) has a salad named after him.  From Denny Hamlin's Prime Filet to AJ Allmendinger's Blackened Grouper... racing is represented in a big way at this joint.

The menu is creative and it's a hip atmosphere for a nice sit-down meal or just hang at their bar. We are huge fans of Mike Minter's Artichoke Crap Dip and Dianne Dorton's Lemon Herb Chicken.

8712 Lindholm Drive
(704) 892-9999
click here to visit their site