Darlington Raceway
MD's Picks
All material including graphics, stories and photos are property of MatthewDillner Inc. and are subject to all copyright laws © 2010. All rights reserved.
(featured recent food tweets)

@SamSarcinella: mmmm if u guys r ever in richmond go to coppola deli - so good! @kylebusch is gonna be excited bout the italian sub i brought him back!

mattkentfield    Downtown Concord, NC ice cream heaven http://twitpic.com/1k0sgf

LorinRanier    Angel Hair at Maggiano's! (Richmond, VA)http://tweetphoto.com/20425551

jackiethejuice   bitchin' hot dog joint in VA. santa fe dog: homemade salsa, cheese, jalapeños, guacamole #PBR #chicagogirlapproved http://twitpic.com/1je6si

Senior Manager from Earnhard Ganassi Racing, and long-time friend, Ron Thiel submits this mouth-watering photo.  Red Rocks Cafe in Birkdale Village (Huntersville, NC) has named this dish "Steve Addington's Sesame Tuna". We say... yummm
r   a   c   e       e   a   t       r   e   p   e   a   t
I have a few pick from Darlington but I also will quote a famous song by saying... "I get by with a little help from my friends."  A good friend, Bo Wilkes, has several friends that are area locals.  I always like to listen to locals! Here are my picks sprinkled with a few of theirs!

Red Bone Alley
click here for the video
My favorite restaurant in the Darlington area. Red Bone Alley is in an location that you may think it was a department store if you drove by.  Actually, the location was once a JC Penney!  The unusual restaurant space is used to make you feel like you are dining in a quaint Charleston, SC neighborhood. With houses and street lamps, the setting is beautiful.

Oh, and the food. Yeah, it is as good as the decor!  From Low Country Shrimp & Grits to one of their aged steaks, you can't go wrong with this Florence, SC favorite.
1903 West Palmetto Street
Florence, SC 29501-3916
(843) 673-0035
visit their site   click here
Going to a racetrack? Want to know where to eat? SpeedEats.com is your source to satisfy that appetite.  Racing and food enthusiast Matthew Dillner takes you behind the scenes of his race weekends and shows you to the hot-spots.

Dillner is a veteran in the racing media industry and is known by many in the garage for finding some of the most interesting and yummy places to eat while on the road covering NASCAR races and Short Tracks across the country.

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Want to get involved with SpeedEats, suggest food-spots, or advertise?  click here to contact us

This week: Darlington Raceway, SC
Next Week: Dover Int'l Speedway, DE
the fat
Chime in on our Facebook page.   click here
Richmond, Madhouse and More!
While the NASCAR world and Speedeats was in Richmond, MD was checkin' out Chicken-Fried and hitting one of NASCAR's original tracks. Along the way some food too!   click here
Featured Video: Darlington
Red Bone Alley is Our Pick
Looking for a place to eat near Darlington Raceway?  MD talkes us and some great friends from a recent MRO Mission Trip to a special place in Florence, SC.  Red Bone Alley is a hot-spot for many in the racing community.   click here
Random Yumminess
Darlington, SC
We Find the Darlington Piggly Wiggly Cookout!
Now folks, this is random. Driving through the sleepy southern town of Darlington, South Carolina on the day of the Southern 500, we happened upon this local Piggly WIggly grocery store. The rest is Random Yumminess history!   
click here
B&B Restaurant (Diner)
This place is a find. If you don't know about it, either you've randomly found it or have been told about it.  Rumor has it that a few drivers eat there from time to time. "It's got a reputation for being a good little local diner," says our friend Bo Wilkes.

1536 S Main St
Darlington, SC 29532
(843) 393-9534

Starfire Grill & Spirits
This local treat offers an good menu of American and regional cuisine with Greek and Italian food as well. Ol' MD here has been and thought it was a good find.

2130 West Palmetto Street 
Florence, SC 20501
to visit their site  click here

Percy & Willie's Food and Spirits
Want a juicy steak while in Darlington. This might just be your place! We've heard that the onion rings are real good too. Might have to check out their grape marinated steak too... sounds interesting right?

2401 David H McLeod Boulevard
Florence, SC 29501-4037
(843) 669-1620

Hot Dog Haven
I want to check out this hot-dog place during this trip. Being a Saturday night race, Darlington is a shorter race weekend than some.  I was told about it Hot Dog Haven and of course, since it is hot dogs, I perked up. I figured I would put it on the bottom of the list until I try it myself!

101 South Main Street
Darlington, SC 29532-3207
(843) 393-7040

SpeedEats - Short Track Spotlight
SoBo's Famous Bologna Burger

NASCAR driver Elliott Sadler has put this South Boston Speedway favorite on the map. Much like the Martinsville Hot-Dog, the Bologna Burger has become a part of South Boston culture.  
click here

Ok... this might be the strangest link we ever put up on Speedeats.com, but we find it so darn funny that we couldn't resist. We're not sure how to explain it... maybe you should just give it a read.  Oh yeah, some other dude named MD (might very well be a twin?) contributes ocassionally to this fun blog. 
click here

Support MRO and the NASCAR Foundation by joining our Team of Matt Kenseth, Joey Logano, David Reutimann, Michael McDowell, Steve Letarte, David Ragan, Mike Bagley, Pete Pistone & Wendy Venturini walking for MRO.
click here for more

Fans, you have a voice. Chime in via email or on the facebook page with your area suggestions for tracks. Let us know where you've eaten, maybe what you ordered and if you liked it or not. We're always open to hearing from the foodies out there!
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We love hitting the web and finding cool stuff and couldn't resist sharing this fun youtube video from the Minnesota State Fair that shows 59-foods on a stick!
click here

Want your favorite restaurant featured in on speedeats. Some places ahead on the schedule are Charlotte (NC), Dover (DE), Nashville (TN), Ann Arbor (MI), Milwaukee (WI), Loudon (NH).

Check out where we've hit on the road in 2010!

click here for the 2010 schedule

A great friend of mine, Lonnie Clouse and his family are moving to Mexico to help care for orphans. Lonnie has been a part of Motor Racing Outreach for a while now and a great friend to racing as well. Go check out his mission and offer up some support, prayer or encouragement!
click here

Redbone Alley